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EK Wills
Jan 22, 20233 min read
The 7 wonders of having Adult Children
As your child now has their own opinions, it does little to try to impose yours at this stage.
EK Wills
Jan 14, 20234 min read
7 immutable laws for teenagers
They can learn to cook, clean, garden as part of their contribution and it can be mutually decided on who does which tasks.
EK Wills
Jan 2, 20233 min read
A 7 day week with primary - aged kids
If you have found a way that works with your child, then stick to it and reinforce it. While each child is unique, it helps to continue with
EK Wills
Dec 24, 20223 min read
Seven Secrets of Pre-schoolers (3-5 years)
If you can’t be calm, make them safe and WALK AWAY
EK Wills
Oct 7, 20224 min read
ADHD: Do I have it? What about my kids?
By EK Wills There has been much discussion about ADHD in the media and it appears like an epidemic of ADHD is upon us. Just this week,...
EK Wills
Aug 27, 20223 min read
How to get thru Med- the study notes
By EK Wills After my post on medicine training received such a great response, and requests for guidance followed, I thought it would be...
EK Wills
Jul 31, 20223 min read
How did we end up with Karen?
What is a ‘Karen’? And why do we have this term? Perhaps it is another way to keep women in their place. by EK Wills Karen is used as a...
EK Wills
Jun 19, 20222 min read
Hell in a hormone hand basket of gender bias
By EK Wills We have heard it all before: hysterical and emotional women. Emotions are there as a guide to inform us of the body’s needs...
EK Wills
Apr 25, 20224 min read
Doing time for addiction: observations of a health worker
by E K Wills No preconceived ideas could prepare me for what I would discover during my 6 months in gaol for a drug term. The system is...
EK Wills
Dec 28, 20214 min read
Medicine training is like an abusive relationship
For those who go through the trials of getting into medicine training, they are aware that the relationship they have entered deserves...
EK Wills
Jun 6, 20202 min read
WTAF: Double Plus Good
By EK Wills The world has turned on itself: first the pandemic tried to reduce the harm humans are doing to it by pruning the population...
EK Wills
Apr 8, 20204 min read
Home learning: tips to help kids adjust
By E K Wills Unusual times call for a new approach to schooling. During the lockdown, we are not officially obliged to keep our kids at...
EK Wills
Apr 7, 20204 min read
Survival Mode for Mental Health: What to do?
Survival Mode for Mental Health: a list of things you can do to help your mental health during the lockdown
EK Wills
Apr 6, 20203 min read
CoVid Checklist and Lockdown Tips
By Dr EK Wills So it seems the health department have evolving recommendations and everyone has different advice to help flatten the...
EK Wills
Oct 5, 20193 min read
Subtle influence: what makes a good decision?
By EK Wills Why do we feel the need to take on others’ opinions? Today I went to pick out a new pair of glasses and I took someone along...
EK Wills
Sep 28, 20192 min read
Mental health: the new catchcry
By EK Wills Everyone touts the importance and need to focus on our mental health, yet precious little seems to be done about it. From...
EK Wills
Sep 21, 20193 min read
Abortion at a glimpse: the law vs women
By EK Wills Why do women not get to say what happens with their bodies? And why are we still talking about this in this day and age?...
EK Wills
Sep 7, 20193 min read
Burnout or resilience: labels to apportion blame to stress
By EK Wills There is a lot of talk around the topic of stress and being overwhelmed. But when we start labeling the result with terms...
EK Wills
Aug 31, 20193 min read
Dad Speak and how to decode what he really means
By EK Wills In perfect timing for Father’s Day, an article in the SMH inspired me to expand on the theory that father’s have their own...
EK Wills
Jun 29, 20194 min read
Sleep, perchance to dream: and then re-addressing the issue with kids before it becomes a nightmare
By EK Wills When my niece asked for tips on how to get her child to sleep, I couldn’t believe I hadn’t already done a blog post on this!...
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