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EK Wills
Apr 8, 20204 min read
Home learning: tips to help kids adjust
By E K Wills Unusual times call for a new approach to schooling. During the lockdown, we are not officially obliged to keep our kids at...
EK Wills
Apr 6, 20203 min read
CoVid Checklist and Lockdown Tips
By Dr EK Wills So it seems the health department have evolving recommendations and everyone has different advice to help flatten the...
EK Wills
Jun 29, 20194 min read
Sleep, perchance to dream: and then re-addressing the issue with kids before it becomes a nightmare
By EK Wills When my niece asked for tips on how to get her child to sleep, I couldn’t believe I hadn’t already done a blog post on this!...
EK Wills
Jun 8, 20193 min read
Family Meetings: a way to shift from instruction into mediation when kids get bigger
By EK Wills This week we had our first family meeting in a long time. When the idea was floated, our middle child piped up and claimed...
EK Wills
May 4, 20194 min read
Mother’s Day: 7 perfect gifts for a budget - plus get bonus family time
By EK Wills Many families are feeling the pinch at this time of year. Christmas has eaten a hole in the budget and the family holiday...
EK Wills
Apr 20, 20193 min read
Happy Easter: non-religious child friendly activities around this holiday period
By EK Wills I don't practice a particular religion but I have a strong sense of family, which I tend to feed especially in holiday...
EK Wills
Mar 1, 20194 min read
Taking care of you and your family: creating a circle of security for everyone
By EK Wills Rarely do I plan anything for me but I like to put on events and usually do it for my kids. I do big birthday parties with...
EK Wills
Feb 22, 20193 min read
Mother guilt: damned if you do, damned if you don’t and how to find your own way
By EK Wills Has anyone ever come up to you in the street or the supermarket and told you what you should be doing with your baby? This...
EK Wills
Feb 10, 20194 min read
The health of the nation: while doctors are divided, how can the system improve?
By EK Wills There are many systemic issues in our current public health system but from my perspective within that structure, the heart...
EK Wills
Feb 1, 20193 min read
How to approach change when it feels too much: we can all suffer a kind of adjustment disorder
By EK Wills As this year takes off, there are changes in kids’ lives, and our own, that require us to re-adjust. It could be a child...
EK Wills
Dec 22, 20183 min read
Tis the season to be crafty: Christmas activities for everyone and the art of social communication
By EK Wills What better way to spend time with friends and family than to get together for an activity? It could be to socialize over...
EK Wills
Dec 15, 20183 min read
Getting some perspective: eating cake by the ocean to get into the spirit of holidays
By EK Wills Last weekend we attended our son’s scout Christmas party at the beach. Unusual you might say, but this was the sea scouts and...
EK Wills
Dec 1, 20183 min read
Santa’s presence: what do your kids really want for Christmas?
By EK Wills Is Santa coming to your house? What if you don’t have a chimney? As we move into December, the Christmas list for each child...
EK Wills
Nov 24, 20183 min read
The power of pets: to teach your kids about life
By EK Wills There was a death in the family this week: my 10 year old son’s hermit crab. It lasted only a few months so, to us, this is...
EK Wills
Oct 27, 20183 min read
Where to turn for help? ... ways to access mental health assistance and Share the Journey
by EK Wills I recently had a patient lament that the system makes it so difficult to access services to mental health. That comment rings...
EK Wills
Oct 20, 20183 min read
How are you feeling? What contributes to your mood and what cognitive behavioural therapy can do
by EK Wills Do you doubt yourself even when you have achieved goals you set for yourself? Or feel unloved even when surrounded by family...
EK Wills
Sep 22, 20182 min read
Open Dialogue: Let’s talk about the power to heal
By EK Wills Being a talker, my ears always prick up when I learn of ways we connect that help us in life. I read that a… ‘study of people...
EK Wills
Aug 25, 20183 min read
What’s the point? How suicide effects so many of us.
By E K Wills Why do we get up every day, go to work/school, suffer the setbacks and strive for goals? Usually it’s because we want to, we...
EK Wills
May 12, 20183 min read
Shared goals: How much do you and your partner need to plan for your family’s future?
by EK Wills When your heart skips a beat for a prospective partner, all you care about is your feelings for each other. You probably...
EK Wills
Feb 17, 20183 min read
Spend or Save: Does family influence determine whether you are generous or a spendthrift? case study
by EK Wills Do you lavish each other with praise and gifts? Or are you restrained, aiming to teach about saving for the future? And how...
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