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EK Wills
Apr 7, 20204 min read
Survival Mode for Mental Health: What to do?
Survival Mode for Mental Health: a list of things you can do to help your mental health during the lockdown
EK Wills
Apr 6, 20203 min read
CoVid Checklist and Lockdown Tips
By Dr EK Wills So it seems the health department have evolving recommendations and everyone has different advice to help flatten the...
EK Wills
Sep 28, 20192 min read
Mental health: the new catchcry
By EK Wills Everyone touts the importance and need to focus on our mental health, yet precious little seems to be done about it. From...
EK Wills
Sep 21, 20193 min read
Abortion at a glimpse: the law vs women
By EK Wills Why do women not get to say what happens with their bodies? And why are we still talking about this in this day and age?...
EK Wills
Mar 1, 20194 min read
Taking care of you and your family: creating a circle of security for everyone
By EK Wills Rarely do I plan anything for me but I like to put on events and usually do it for my kids. I do big birthday parties with...
EK Wills
Oct 27, 20183 min read
Where to turn for help? ... ways to access mental health assistance and Share the Journey
by EK Wills I recently had a patient lament that the system makes it so difficult to access services to mental health. That comment rings...
EK Wills
Oct 20, 20183 min read
How are you feeling? What contributes to your mood and what cognitive behavioural therapy can do
by EK Wills Do you doubt yourself even when you have achieved goals you set for yourself? Or feel unloved even when surrounded by family...
EK Wills
Aug 25, 20183 min read
What’s the point? How suicide effects so many of us.
By E K Wills Why do we get up every day, go to work/school, suffer the setbacks and strive for goals? Usually it’s because we want to, we...
EK Wills
Apr 28, 20182 min read
Parenting Style – Do you need to be a particular parenting type?
By EK Wills I recently heard that perfectionism in a child can be related to having an authoritarian and critical parent. And since there...
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