by EK Wills
A hearty party for little kids involves pirates.
Every birthday party book has pirate ideas but we took it a step further and created a pirate ship in our backyard. All it took was some recycling materials, paint and creativity.
Ship Ahoy!
We collected lots of cardboard boxes and a couple of tubes, set aside plastic containers as well as plates and gathered up milk crates. Our tree house was the crow’s nest (purposely built), and we designed the ship around the tree.
Lots of packing tape and cables ties were used to secure the boxes and crates to make safe. Then holes were cut in the cardboard to place our plastic bottle canons. Flaps were attached above them, just like a pirate ship.
We painted on waves and an anchor, cut out and painted a steering wheel and attached it to a pole on a stand. A plank was fashioned out of a bench and placed over a garden bed to jump onto the lawn.
Paper towel tubes became telescopes, and toy cutlasses came out with pirate costumes and lots of striped clothes.
Food Feast
The creativity continued to the table with jelly cups (sea) and cup cakes with sweets (treasure).
A model ship out of watermelon was a healthier option, complete with sails and jelly ocean.
The cake was made from two chocolate mud cakes secured with dowel down the back to create an open treasure chest. It was filled with chocolate coins and jewels (large freckles) surrounded with sand (brown sugar). Liquorice provided the strapping and M&Ms (or Smarties) served as colourful studs on the chest.
Activity a Plenty
Naturally, we had a Treasure Hunt with individual maps and clues to find a lolly bag treasure.
We added a Water Pistol Duel complete with water balloon bombs and Walk The Plank.
Face painting was provided by a sibling and a friend, The ship as well as our trampoline were there for free play and to burn off the sugar.
There are so many options when considering a pirate party and you can choose different aspects depending on your circumstances.
One pirate party we went to had an amazing pirate ship cake with seriously black icing that turned your tongue black. It was hosted in an activity centre (gymnasium) and they brought the cake there as a low preparation option so they could focus on the cake as the centre piece.
How will you make a splash for your pirate party?
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