by EK Wills
Have you ever really asked yourself what you live for? Or why are you living the way you do, right now? And, even more importantly, are you content with what you find out?
Some of us do this on a daily basis: some people even call it navel gazing. While others don't take the opportunity and happily or not seem to drift through life.
Last year I stepped out of my usual routine and took on a temporary position in another state. My goal was to help finance a trip for the family to my sister’s wedding in New Zealand.
While I was away from my family and in a new environment I found myself revisiting my values, especially when my inbox popped up with a reminder.
I was doing an online course with WTribe Web Warriors. It’s a ten week program that holistically addresses your goals in the context of an exercise program to follow online.
That week co-incidentally addresses personal values.
When first confronted with the idea of working out what is important to you in life, it can be a daunting process. It’s like being told to hold a speech without any preparation. You get a ‘deer in the headlights’ moment, freeze and panic, wondering which way to turn.
Thankfully WTribe provide a springboard in the form of a list of potential values that you can choose from. Of course you can add your own but it gives you a context to start to think about what you feel is important to you. And from your generated list you then whittle it down to the most important three.
3 steps to work out your personal values:
1. choose items from a list of potential values
2. then narrow it down to the top 10 items from the list
3. hone your list to the crucial 3 values that are important to you
Sounds simple, right?
What you need to consider is that many items have overlap. This can be helpful because then you can piece together the right mix to suit you. For example, one goal may be ‘financial gain’ and another ‘freedom’. Maybe freedom actually covers financial gain to create freedom for you so your broader goal is actually to obtain freedom.
Similarly, freedom may mean you don’t want to work for someone else and would like to have your own business. The scope is there for you to determine your values as you see them.
I recently watched a TED talk by Simon Sinek about knowing your 'why' in business.
And I also listen to a podcast (first 5 minutes of the link) by a finance guru in the USA called Dave Ramsey who also talks about finding your 'why' for getting out of debt.
Ok, so it's the latest catchphrase but that's because it's important to know what motivates you. If you don't, it is too easy to get lost, whatever you're aiming for.
Importantly, these values are reflective of you right now. It may have been different in the past and it may change in the future but right here and now these can assist with decision-making. If you face alternative opportunities and aren’t quite sure which way to go then a check-in with your values can help push you in a particular direction.
See if it works for you.
To visit WTribe or join the next program, click here or check out the YouTubevideo above by Simon to inspire you.
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