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To forgive is freedom – when anger and resentment take over, we lose sight of life’s big picture

Writer's picture: EK WillsEK Wills

by EK Wills

This week a colleague said something that made me stop and think. When I heard “You really need to let that go”, I flippantly retorted something to keep the moment light. But overnight I reflected on this because it related to several things, not just that occasion.

If you follow me on Instagram, you will recall the inciting event, when another woman assumed I was a nurse presumably because I am female and more mature and because doctors are traditionally male. The replies to that post showed that this still happens in many professions today.

It clearly hit a soft spot for me because I began to make comments about it, feeding it if you like. It also came during a week where I was feeling particularly stressed when it didn’t seem to matter how much work I did or how many tasks I crossed off the list, there was always more to do.

By Friday I was in a self created pressure cooker, steaming about little things and when I tried to be constructive or plan how to tackle things, I got exhausted thinking about it.

Last night, I claimed the remote and declared it was my choice this time and decided on

Bad Moms 2. It was a small token of rebellion for how I was feeling as well as an outlet for frustration. And it was exactly what I needed: a good belly laugh and a little cry too.

It was about the pressure we put on ourselves as mothers to make everyone’s lives perfect while suffering at our own hand. And it was about the pressure handed on through generations from our own mothers and often how that translates to miscommunication between us.

Appropriately, this morning I went on a circuitous route down the rabbit hole of social media and saw a clip on EFT and forgiveness. Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT is also known as tapping and can be used as a tool to help you get out of that cycle of holding on to past hurts.

You hold the feeling or event in mind and say reinforcing words of forgiveness and acceptance while tapping on specific acupressure points.

I had tried it previously but gave it a go again while holding this event in mind and realized that I was holding many events from the past week and this time a flood of tears came with it.

Afterwards I felt relieved and released. The strength of the clip I saw was the discussion around the technique with Dr Wayne Dwyer who talked about the importance of forgiveness. It is a long video but I allowed myself the time to indulge because I needed it.

We all have stories that can feed our anger and resentment that block our progress. And whether you believe in new age techniques or God or energy or nothing of the sort, there are tools you can use to help to release these stories.

If you’re interested in trying this, here is the basic plan:

1. Select the problem that you would like to address with EFT and you need to focus on it during the tapping sequence.

2. The EFT "Phrase" about the problem eg I resent being undervalued.

3. Rate the Pain or Intensity on a scale of 0 to 10, zero being the least, 10 being the most.

4. Repeat the following with your phrase inserted.

Eg. Even though ‘I resent feeling undervalued’, I deeply and completely accept myself. Even though ‘I resent feeling undervalued’, I choose to release it now. It is time to let it go.

5. The EFT Tapping Sequence on the following 9 points:

Top of head, Beginning of eyebrow, Side of eye, Under eye, Under nose, Chin, Collar bone, Under arm, inside wrist, karate chop

6. Check your Pain/Intensity score.

7. Repeat until the pain/ intensity is reduced and manageable.

I am challenging myself to find ways that work for me and today EFT worked. What technique works for you?

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